Our Story

Friday, August 8, 2008

Another Week...

Good Morning.

Another week draws to a close. This one has been fairly uneventful around our house, which is okay. We have enjoyed playing with friends and are trying to soak up what is left of summer. Connor will start school on August 19th, and Kylee on August 20th. I am back at work at Jewell on August 25th. Yikes!

Last night, we attended our first meeting of the infant loss support group that meets at Antioch Bible Baptist church in Gladstone. We were referred there by Tracy, a former student of mine who has also had a very personal experience with infant loss. The group is led by a woman who lost her son over 15 years ago.

Despite all my experience with loss over the last 9 years, I have never attended a grief/loss support group, so this was a first for me. I have to admit that as we drove to the church last night, I was quite nervous. Brandon had agreed to come with me at least once (often times, Moms attend these groups for a much longer period of time than Dads do due to the differences in grief patterns between men and women). So, we pulled into the parking lot, not sure of what to expect.

There were several other new folks attending the group last night, so that was a blessing for us in terms of feeling more comfortable. We all took turns sharing our stories. For some, the grief was very fresh....losing a baby just 3 weeks ago. For others, they were attending the group after realizing they hadn't dealt with a loss that occured 17 years ago. It was the first time I had shared our journey with Caden to complete strangers. There was a collective gasp in the room when I got to the part about continuing the pregnancy despite being advised to terminate. In a strange way, it was reassuring to hear people recognize what a difficult decision that was. It was painful and healing to share our experience.

Brandon said that he'd go with me at least once more, which I take to be a good sign. I think we were both a little fearful that we'd end up chanting the serenity prayer or singing kum-by-ya together holding hands in a circle. We were grateful that this wasn't at all the case.

We left the group meeting and then stood in the parking lot and talked with other folks who had attended for another 30 minutes. It is amazing to me how going through infant loss instantly bonds you. Instantly. There is nothing like a hug from another mother who has told her baby goodbye.

It will be six weeks Monday since Caden was born. I can't believe it has been that long since I held my youngest son. I laid in bed last night, remembering all the nights I laid awake because Caden had the hiccups or was doing gymnastics inside my belly. Although I (obviously) carried him with me 24 hours a day, nighttime was our bonding time together. I miss him and that time we had together.
One foot in front of the other...


  1. Lindsey,
    I am so glad that you found the group to be helpful. You are so right about the instant bound you feel with others that have experienced the loss of a baby. I pray that the group continues to provide you with needed support, (I sure know it did for me for many years.)
    I continue to keep you all in my prayers


  2. I'm so glad that you have these resources nearby, and that Brandon was able to go with you. I've been praying for you all a lot lately, as I found the going back to work, school, etc. routine to be really hard. I'm still praying for DisneyWorld too. ;)

  3. Lindsey,

    I am so glad to hear that your first meeting was a comfortable one for you and Brandon. I had to smile when you mentioned the "kum by ya" moment:) You are so cute! I can only imagine the reaction you mentioned when you told them about not terminating and continuing on to give Caden life. This is one of the decisions I most admire about you two. Such a selfless act of love in the face of great pain. I am sure you blessed everyone there. God is using you and Caden's life to show how He can be trusted. I am proud of you guys. My prayers continue for you both as you put one foot in front of the other each day. God Bless you!!

    Love, Laurie in Ca.
