Our Story

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Evening Update

Well, we're still here, and still percolating. We've had to readjust our thinking (obviously), and are starting to settle in for the night. The doctor is supposed to come back at around 9:30 and administer the next phase of the chemical concoction, which is supposed to kick things into gear in a relative hurry. So, we may be having a looooong night tonight! Of course, no one really knows how long things will take, so we may still be here on Thursday...

Seriously, though, thank you all for your prayers and support! We cannot express enough to you how reassuring it is to know that you are all pulling for us! We will continue to post updates for as long as we are awake (and not otherwise occupied), so if any of you want to come along on our journey real-time, you're welcome to do that!

Thank you again - we'll keep you posted!


  1. Thank you sooo much for your updates, I have been watching and praying all day. You guys will continue to be in my prayers throughout the night.
    It is amazing to read the comments to your posts and know how many prayer warriors you have.
    Hang in there.
    Erin and Mark Hilton

  2. We have been right there with you throughout the day. We'll continue to pray for patience and strength for the journey ahead. Blessings to the three of you and the extended Carlson/McKinney families.

    Paula Henderson Connors

  3. You have been in our prayers all day and will continue to be throughout the night. May God hold you in the palm of his hand and place Caden in your arms soon. We love you and are with you on your journey.

    We look forward to your next update.

    Scott and Trena

  4. You've been on my mind and in my prayers today especially. If I could funnel some extra patience and courage your way I sure would. I'm so inspired by your strength. Know that we are with you in spirit!


  5. I've been away all day and you have been on my thoughts all day. I will pray harder, :) for a shorter labor. We are all praying for Caden, Conner and Kylie, and you Lindsey and Brandon, that each of your needs will be met. Both of you try and get some sleep. You have to take care of the two of you also. :) The Moody's

  6. Scott posted the previous comment, and I agree with it all. I would just like to add that I will be reminding God that seriously, there are only so many chick flicks a person can watch in a day before they've had enough and are ready for something else! (And one romantic comedy is enough for Brandon, eh?!?) Seriously, though, we will continue to lift you guys up. I wish so much that there were something I could do to take your pain and anxiety away! Thank God we both know a God who can see you through this! How big He must be to take you through your worst fears and know that He WILL bring you through. But for Brandon's sake, I really WILL be talking with God about the chick flick thing. All My Love, Trena

  7. Thank you for keeping us updated today, Carlsons. We've been checking in all day and praying as well--there is a team of people who love you and are thinking of each of you, especially Caden.

    Prayers that things move quickly! We love you-
    Robyn and Ben

  8. I read once that if you close your eyes and rest, you receive 80% of the benefits of sleep...without actually sleeping.

    Sounds good, anyway. :)


  9. Thank you for the updates, I came to check in one more time before heading to bed. I continue to pray for His loving care to surround you. Hoping by morning that you are much closer to Caden's arrival and seeing his sweet little face.

  10. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. You have helped me to reconnect with my Lord even more throughout the past few days as I pray for you and your family. Today in church we talked about those who run the race with their heads up high and in my mind that is you.- Kim C
