Our Story

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Still Here...

Not a whole lot has changed since the last post - we're just waiting for the chemical concoction to take effect and start labor. It's normal, though, for it to take a few hours to start working. Lindsey was allowed to eat lunch, which was a mixed blessing - it's good that she got to eat and drink, but it also means that labor isn't imminent quite yet.


She's out walking around the floor now, to try to get things rolling along. Same prayer request of the moment as last time. :)


  1. hang in there.....we're praying that everything progresses quickly and smoothly...it must seem like time is standing still...
    sending courage and patience your way,

  2. May you find comfort in the prayers that are going up specifically for you all across America right now. Wrap yourself in God's power and just breathe deep. He loves you and Caden more then you know. And so do I!


  3. Been praying all day for you. Hoping you get to meet baby Caden soon!

  4. I have been thinking about you all day.........and praying.


  5. Sure have been with you guys since 5 this morning. Aunt Luetta and Uncle Donald and Jean were here for a Dad visit. Schubert's arrived shortly thereafter. Lots of talking and one meal under the belt. Keep walking. Rest well.
    God bless.

  6. I have been thinking about you and praying all day. I pray that labor is quick and that you will get to meet Caden before the day is over. May you feel the Lords peace surrounding you.

    Laurie in Ca.
